Acceleration of Missile

Imagine a tank traveling with constant speed v_1 along the direction AB, and a missile is chasing the tank with constant speed v_2. The direction of motion of the missile is always pointing towards the tank. At time t the tank is at position F and the missile is at position D, where FD is perpendicular to AB and FD=L. What is the acceleration of the missile at this instant?

There’s a lot of solutions to this problem. But I will provide the formal one (long method). This method requires knowledge skills on:

  1. Differential Calculus
  2. Vector Algebra
  3. Distance-Velocity-Acceleration knowledge

Steps would include:

  1. Writing initial conditions for missile and tank
  2. Write the velocity of tank as magnitude*direction
  3. Differentiate the velocity to get acceleration of missile
  4. Substitute the initial conditions
  5. Simplify
  6. Answer should be a=\frac{v_1 v_2 }{L} \hat{x}

Try to solve the problem first without looking at the solution. If you’re still helpless, then here it is:

pset1-1 – acceleration of missile

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